Set a New Goal, Dream a New Dream

I haven’t been too big on New Year’s resolutions the last couple of years, mostly because they overwhelm me. However, last night I gathered with a few of my girlfriends and dreamed of what this year could be, what I would like to do, and who I would like to be when it closes.

My friends challenged one another to break down our goals into several buckets – spiritual, physical, mental, and relational. And then came the key word: manageable. I need to make my goals manageable.

Kariss Lynch New Year 2015I tend to dream big and set lofty goals that often take more time than I allocate. None of that is wrong. In fact, I believe our God is a big dreamer. He came up with the earth in seven days. He made a platypus for goodness sake. And He made you and me in His image with unique qualities, traits, and even fingerprints. I’d say He has quite the imagination, and I’d say He dreams bigger dreams for us than we do for ourselves.

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.’” Jeremiah 29:11-13

I want to trust God in a bigger way with my dreams this year and also know my limitations as I set goals. I’m not where I want to be, but my Father is capable of continuing to grow me to be more like Him! So here are my goals for 2015…


I want to learn what it means to find satisfaction in Christ alone and not in the fleeting things of this world. (See Psalms 103:1-5)


I am a steward of the temple God has given me. I don’t want to be obsessive about health, but I do want to be wise. I want to continue building a healthy lifestyle in 2015.

I want dream and create and plan and act using the gifts God has given me on an even greater scale. But that means I must be willing to let myself dream those big dreams without hampering myself.


I want to invite those close to me into my life a little more this year. We were created to know and be known by those in the body of Christ, and I want to encourage those relationships.

What new goal will you set and what new dream will you dream in 2015?

About the Writer:
Kariss Lynch writes contemporary fiction about characters with big dreams, hearts for adventure, and enduring hope. Shaken, her first book in the Heart of a Warrior series, released in February 2014. Her second novel, Shadowed, releases March 3, 2015. A former freelance writer, she now works as the writer for the communications ministry at a church in Dallas.

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